Some international conferences and talks
Mercredis de STMS, Étudier les interactions sociales grâce aux transformations de voix et de visage, IRCAM, Paris, France. July 2021.Arias, P., Belin, P. , & Aucouturier, J-J., Unconsciously imitating smiles heard in speech—and hearing smiles in musical sounds. European Research Music Conference. Barcelona, Spain, June 2018.
General communication
Soirée Son et Comportement, La Semaine du Son de l'UNESCO 2021, Ibrahim Maalouf, Ingrid Geday, Pablo ARIAS, Zeina Abirached. UNESCO, Paris, Mardi 19 janvier 2021.Souriez vous êtes écoutés. Savant Sachant Chercher. French Podcast. Paris, France, June 2019.
Perception of Smiles in the Voice, Voice Tech Podcast, ep.007, Podcast in English, Paris, France, June 2019
Cracking the Emotional Code, Creative Documentary, Mailys Audouze (2022)
I had the pleasure to be part of the documentary Cracking the Emotional Code by Maïlys Audouze, who followed and filmed the CREAM (Cracking the emotional Code of Music) research project to try to grasp how researchers in sound and emotions live and work. The documentary will be released in 2022.